The last week in a half my oven has not been working, not only has it not been working but every so often out of the blue it will trigger an alarm that is the most terrible sound known to man. I secretly was hoping that it would just fix itself or MFKL would get a wild hair up his ass and surprise me by fixing it, but neither happened and after a week in a half with out it, it was time for me to stop being lazy and just do it. Lets face it, an oven is a moms best friend, instead of slaving over a stove making fried chicken or whatever the heck else, you can just shove some shit in the oven and be done with it.
Moving the oven away from the wall with two little curious boys watching was more than a little challenging, every foot i moved the oven was another car or Lego or penny that the kids needed to grab. Taking the back off the oven was really fun for the boys, i let them us the screwdriver and hold all the screw so they felt involved and important. Plus Mama always gets a thousand kisses from each boy when they help me with workin man jobs. Its a pain in the ass, but what mama wouldn't want happy boys and a thousand kisses?
When we got the back off the oven i noticed that there was a wire that was loose and also a short where the oven/bake button was located. Luckily it was a very easy fix, all i had to do was jam the wire back in and solder the short. All in all it only took me half hour to fix the problem and mop under the oven. Mission accomplished! Now if i could only pull my head out of my ass and get the other eleventy billion things done on my list things would be great.
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