Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My dreams are so messed up!

So i had that dream again, you know the one where I'm at a robot and vampire orgy and i don't realize it till I'm lifting up some hot guys shirt only to realize he is a robot. Holy hell. At least it wasn't a vampire, zombie orgy, I'm not sure i could handle that one. I woke up like five times, and always went right back into the dream where i left off! So much for waking up and the bad dream goes away. And what happened to hot vampires? All the vampires in my dream were homeless looking and all the robots were way hot till they started to get naked then they looked like a boxy type robot. 

Does anybody else have really odd or disturbing dreams like me? This is like every night. I don't sleep much but when i do i have to endure my deranged imagination, and believe me i have quite the imagination.

I guess i gotta add a new label for my blog, weird dreams.

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