Sunday, March 31, 2013

Weekly quotes: #1

Top Ten Quotes Of The Week
1. "My farts sounds different when i don't have hair on my ass"
2. "I bet she has to use 2 tampons"
3. 'My penis keeps sticking to my balls"
4. "Look, i can pee like a guy, I don't even have to take my shorts off"
5. "I hate to bang and run but..."
6. "Our family has the prettiest blue eyes"
7. "Next year we are going to hide little bottles of vodka instead of eggs"
8. "I'm a ninja"
9. "If i was a fish and you were a fish, i would eat you cause your cute"
10."My nose hurts from smelling your hair to much!"

These were all said by my family and friends over the course of the week.